
Tomato pancakes
Was before me the problem of disposal of tasteless tomato. Like Reds, they are pretty, and tastes better than grass. I wandered the Internet and found this recipe. Long first doubt - fritters of tomatoes?!!! Then still decided and not the least bit sorry. Turned out very tasty charming zucchini pancakes with tomato flavor. Hot sauce - very tasty. Thanks to the author of the recipe Irina.


  • Tomato

    5 piece

  • Chicken egg

    1 piece

  • Flour

    6 Tbsp

  • Leavening agent

    1 tsp

  • Basil

  • Parsley

  • Feta

    3 Tbsp

  • Salt

  • Black pepper


My tomatoes and cut in half. Take a grater and grate our halves, while the skin remains in our hands. We don't need, throw away. You can, of course, pre-cleaned tomatoes from the skin, but I was just too lazy.
Parsley wash, finely chop and add to tomato puree. There also put the Basil (I dry), salt and pepper.
Then add the egg, mashed feta (I brine cheese with Basil), flour and baking powder.
Knead the dough consistency as regular pancakes, i.e. liquid sour cream.
Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry our ladki.
I made the pancakes sauce: 2 tbsp sour cream, 2 tbsp mayonnaise, a clove of garlic + dried dill (or even better fresh, but I such did not find).
For Breakfast the pancakes can be served with a simple sour cream and dill. Also very tasty.
Bon appetit! :-)
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