Jari, the life of the king and the Lord of hearts, poppy scarlet gossip his crown In the hands of green a sheaf of rye flutters high, Eyes like fire burning, rosy full cheeks, cheerful Is the God of flowers and harvest, father! And of course, the pie filling is poppy seed. Sunny cake, with a taste of poppy will not leave anyone indifferent! A simple molding is incredibly captivating! Ask everyone to tea!
300 ml
2 tsp
200 g
0.25 tsp
1 cup
4 cup
2 piece
1 pack
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
The dough is the same as here-I really like it, the technology is the same - http://www.povarenok .ru/recipes/show/106 609/ Pie comes out great! So-dissolve yeast in warm milk. Margarine to melt. Knead the dough from all the ingredients and put it in a cool place for a couple of hours-I put in the fridge for 2 hours.. even more work
Then pulled out, ammala and again left for an hour. for the filling, taken ready-made mix of"poppy seed filling" (with poppy seeds, candied fruit and raisins)
The resulting dough is divided into 5 parts, each roll into a circle
Used a cutting Board as a pattern))
To move the first circle on a baking sheet (covered with baking paper, I slightly greased with sunflower oil) and spread the filling. the filling is thick, so RUB carefully
All five parts alternating with the poppy filling spread one on one
"Allocation centre" with the help of any circle and divide the pie into 4 pieces as shown in photo
Each part divide into 3 parts
Turn the strips of dough over the edge from right to left as shown in photo
One by one-here came our pie-quick and easy, but how spectacular!!
Leave for an hour for detune-it will rise
Bake 25 minutes at 180градусах... I have not greased anything-and that's what a handsome man!!!
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