
Strawberries in cognac
Offer the option such is the harvesting of strawberries. To me this option very much, because the berries remain whole, not apart. This strawberry can be used for decorating desserts, cakes, so easy to eat (but not toddlers). The juice is also suitable for impregnation of cakes after baking.


  • Strawberry

    1 kg

  • Sugar

    350 g

  • Cognac

    100 ml


So the first thing to touch the strawberries (we need the whole berries), remove "tails", wash and give to drain the water. Take a jar (I in 1l jar was placed 0.5 kg of strawberries), it my well, pour over boiling water and wipe (or dry) dry.
Put in a jar, alternating the strawberries and the sugar. From top to pour the brandy. First cognac will be enough, but that's okay...
Close the jar with foil and place in the refrigerator. Recipe of the week, but I thought it was too much and I kept in the refrigerator for 4 days. During this time, the strawberries juicy. The photo shows that all the strawberries in the juice.
Then take the jar empty. Its my sterilizer. In sterilizovanny banks put berries on top and pour the juice (before you juice it mix well with sugar, because sugar ass whole on the bottom of the jar). Sealed and stored in the fridge.
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