
Ice cream bean
This is my culinary experiment. Frankly, I very much doubt that this will turn out something worthwhile, but the result exceeded all expectations. It turned out tender, delicious ice cream with a nutty flavor. In the family no one guessed that I put.


  • Beans

    150 g

  • Cream

    1 cup

  • Milk

    1 cup

  • Yolk egg

    4 piece

  • Sugar

    1 cup

  • Water

    1.5 cup

  • Lemon juice

    2 tsp

  • Vanilla

  • Walnuts


The Kidney beans I soaked overnight. The choice I settled on this variety of bean because they break down and absorb the flavors of the components with which it is mixed. Gives a very harmonious dish.
Then pour lemon juice and 1/3 Cup. sugar and boiled for 2 hours.
Then kneaded with a pestle and cooled to room temperature.
Yolks whipped with the remaining sugar.
Milk mixed with cream and brought to a boil.
A saucepan with the cream removed from heat, added the yolk-sugar mixture, stir well and again put on the fire, added the vanilla.
Kneaded until the mixture thickens and proverila, stirring constantly, for another 5 minutes. The mixture is then cooled to room temperature.
The cooled milk and yolk mixture connected with the cooled bean paste, folded into a container and sent to freeze.
When serving you can sprinkle with walnuts and decorate with berries.
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