
Almond kulfi
Kulfi is a popular frozen dairy dessert from India, is also popular in South Asia and the middle East. The taste, texture and cooking method it is similar to ice cream. Most likely this recipe was invented in the Himalayas and was formerly available only to royals and aristocracy. Traditionally, kulfi is prepared by continuous evaporation of sweet milk with constant stirring to not burnt. With such long boiling the liquid to reduce by about half, becomes thicker, increases fat, protein and lactose. Freeze kulfi in tightly sealed containers which are immersed in ice mixed with salt for a quicker hardening. And the ice and salt in turn is placed in a special earthen containers, called "uterus". It is a kind of insulation from the intense heat. Kulfi prepared and frozen in this way is called "Matka-kulfi". In the modern world, kulfi is prepared from evaporated milk and heavy cream, sometimes with the addition of corn starch. Both in the past and now in kulfi add cardamom, pistachios, dried fruit, etc. Traditionally this dessert is sold in India and Pakistan, street vendors, kulfi-Bilhah. Ice cream is very soft and gentle.


  • Cream

    600 ml

  • Cardamom

    1.5 tsp

  • Condensed milk

    2 can

  • Almonds

    150 g

  • Sugar

    0.5 cup

  • Vanilla

    0.5 tsp


The cream and cardamom and place in a saucepan. On medium heat bring to a boil, remove from heat and let stand for 15 minutes to mix flavors.
At this time narile 16 strips of size 2*20 cm of baking paper.
Place two strips crosswise in each of the eight molds for ice cream (I have a silicone muffin tin).
Cooled milk mixture, strain into a bowl.
Add the condensed milk.
Beat with a mixer for 5 - 10 minutes until the mixture thickens and becomes creamy. I must admit that I have the mixture became thick, and in General with condensed milk never whipped... But the texture and taste of the finished product is not affected negatively.
Stir in 3/4 of the almonds.
Pour the mixture into the prepared molds. This must be done VERY gently, taking care that the mixture formed ON the paper, not UNDER it. Easier even, perhaps, spread the mixture with a spoon. Cover with plastic wrap and place in freezer overnight.
Now you can prepare the syrup that we will pour our kulfi. Sugar and 1/4 Cup water put on medium heat and stir for 2-3 minutes until the sugar is dissolved.
Increase the heat to medium and cook without stirring 5 minutes, until the syrup has thickened somewhat. Add vanilla, stir. Remove from heat, cool.
Remove the kulfi from the freezer. A knife swipe along the perimeter of the shape. Pull out the kulfi from the molds for paper tape. Put on a plate. Sprinkle the remaining almonds, drizzle with syrup. I your syrup seems to digest because once on the ice it turned into a crunchy caramel that was also fun and tasty :-)
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