The national dish of Ukraine. Very tasty, simple and cheap - which is important in a crisis. One of my favorite soups.
400 g
250 g
2 piece
1 piece
7 Tbsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Potatoes put on the fire in a saucepan with the desired amount of water...
Bacon cut into small cubes and throw on a hot griddle...
When the bacon is browned, add to it finely chopped onion. Do zazharku.
Make dough from flour, eggs and water. The dough should not be too elastic and tough. Osipyan from the test pieces the size of potato slices in the soup. Thrown into the water. It is better to wet the hand, which will pinch off, so the dough won't stick to hands.
Throw browned vegetables and give another 10 minutes to cook on a small fire. BON APPETIT!!!
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