
Lush yeast pancakes with mushroom sauce
Insanely delicious, airy and fluffy the pancakes turn out! I really like the combination of the taste of these pancakes with mushroom cheese sauce.


  • Flour

    250 g

  • Milk

    250 ml

  • Sugar

    2 Tbsp

  • Salt

    0.5 tsp

  • Yeast

    0.5 tsp

  • Vegetable oil

    4 Tbsp

  • Cheese curd

    70 g

  • Mushrooms

    150 g

  • Onion

    0.5 piece

  • Salt

  • Greens

    0.5 coup

  • Vegetable oil


In 50-70 ml of warm milk breed yeast. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix well. Put in a warm place for 15 minutes, until fluffy beanie.
Then pour in the remaining milk, vegetable oil. Put the remaining sugar, add salt, mix. Gradually add flour, stirring gently all the while. Should be not very stiff dough, but not liquid (like thick oatmeal). The bowl with the dough put in a warm place for 1 hour.
While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Mushrooms (pre-thawed) and onion was crushed, and then fried in vegetable oil for 5-6 minutes.
In a deep bowl put fried onions and mushrooms, add fresh herbs and cream cheese. Salt to taste.
Porirua blender until smooth. The mushroom sauce is ready.
An hour later (and perhaps earlier) the dough rise.
Once more stirred it with a spoon. In a heated pan pour vegetable oil. A tablespoon scoop the dough and gently spread the crumbs in a pan (I helped a second teaspoon). Stir fry until tender over medium heat (1-2 minutes each side).
Ready pancakes spread on a plate and serve with mushroom sauce. Bon appetit!
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