
Apple-rum Baba
For those who want to use a yeast dough, but do not knead the dough with your hands. Very comfortable and easy recipe for pastry. Took the recipe from a magazine, something added, something removed.


  • Flour

    250 g

  • Milk

    125 ml

  • Butter

    125 g

  • Sugar

    2 Tbsp

  • Yolk egg

    4 piece

  • Chicken egg

    2 piece

  • Salt

    1 pinch

  • Raisins

    100 g

  • Yeast

    7 g

  • Apple

    500 g

  • Egg white

    2 piece

  • Lemon peel

  • Water

    6 Tbsp

  • Honey

    6 Tbsp

  • Rum

    1 Tbsp

  • Orange zest

    1 piece


Mix flour with instant yeast. And set aside. (Who is simple yeast, then dilute the yeast in a little warm milk + a little sugar and let it go.)
Beat the butter with a mixer. Add sugar, salt, egg yolks, eggs. Mix well or beat slightly.
In a creamy mass, add the flour
Then add the raisins and mix well with a spatula.
Now we knead the dough. For that whole mass (we have it watery) spread on a surface dusted with flour. Now take a shovel and it kneaded dough. Add flour as needed for dough to make it denser (approximately 100 grams I added). The dough will still be watery.
Put the dough back into the bowl. Put for 1 hour in a warm place, so it has increased in 2-3 times.
Apples cut into large slices
Mix them with flour (2 tbsp) and add about 2 tbsp of sugar.
Beat egg whites with lemon zest. You can add cinnamon (to taste).
In our approaching the dough add the apples, stir. Then very carefully add the whipped whites (portions and stirring)
Spread the batter in a silicone form. One normal, then grease the form with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put in a warm place for 45-60 minutes to raise dough. Put in a preheated 180*C oven for 45 minutes.
Prepare syrup. The amount of syrup depends on how you like the "wet" dough. I have this on a slightly wet "Babu". Mix honey water and orange zest, bring to a boil and add the rum. Roma also depends on how much you love the alcoholic taste in the product. Don't get carried away with the rum, and it will be too alcoholic (it's better to drink rum).
Get our "Babu" in a container with a deep bottom. Pour syrup liberally and give a good brew.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Brew a tea. And submit our rich, delicious, slightly openaudio Apple-rum Baba.
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