
A recipe shared with me by my dad. Pancakes turn out very tasty, fluffy, not greasy. My nephew, being a guest of his grandfather, asks for candy and ice cream, and pancakes - the best indicator of taste!


  • Chicken egg

    2 piece

  • Yogurt

    0.5 l

  • Salt

    1 tsp

  • Sugar

    2 Tbsp

  • Soda

    1 tsp

  • Flour

    700 ml

  • Vegetable oil


In a bowl pour the yogurt. I use yogurt of any fat content and any date.
Add the eggs.
Add salt, sugar, flour, soda.
Take a whisk and stir all in one direction until until you get a homogeneous thick dough. The main thing - do not add any ingredients and to mix only in one direction. Do not be afraid that the dough can be very thick. The dough is ready - more than in any case do not attempt to stir, no need to disturb the dough.
In hot pan pour a little oil, to escalate. A tablespoon to gently take the dough and spread it into the pan. Fry on both sides. Pancakes should be high, fluffy, not greasy. And very tasty!
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