
Appetizer of peppers
Elegant and very delicious spicy appetizer! You can roll for the winter.


  • Pepper

    4 piece

  • Garlic

    50 g

  • Parsley

    1 coup

  • Vegetable oil

    0.5 cup

  • Black pepper

  • Vinegar

    0.5 cup

  • Sugar

    60 g

  • Salt

    30 g


The preparation time excluding the time of infusion. Pepper cut into long strips.
Blanch 5 minutes in boiling water. Drain in a sieve.
Mix with finely chopped parsley and garlic. If you'd like it spicy, you can add chopped hot pepper (1 pod). Decomposed into sterilized jars, if it is a preparation for the winter, or into another bowl with a tight lid.
To prepare the marinade: salt and sugar dissolve in hot water (0.5 cups) left over from blanching the peppers.
Measure out half a Cup of vegetable oil TM "generous gift".
Add oil in the marinade, then vinegar and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil.
Fill the peppers with boiling fill. If you are preparing for the future, then banks roll up and wrap for the night. If not, cover tightly and allow to brew for a day.
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