
Ice cream
Bright and unusual dessert! Appearance causes admiration and joy, especially in children. "Gorenje: Christmas song"


  • Ice cream

    200 g

  • Dark chocolate

    50 g

  • Apricot

    1 can

  • Orange

    1 piece

  • Milk

    1 Tbsp


Chocolate mangled pieces and melt in a water bath. Add the milk and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass. A toothpick to pick the chocolate and draw the inner side kremenek divorce "tiger stripes". Bowl to put in the fridge to give the chocolate to harden.
4 apricot to postpone, divide into halves. The rest of the apricots, finely chop. Put the bottom layer in the bowl.
Put ice cream. Orange peel, cut into cubes. To put on ice cream. To make the muzzle "tiger": from the halves of apricots to put eyes and ears; eyes, nose, stripes, mouth and whiskers to draw chocolate with a toothpick. To serve chilled.
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