
Tomato soup with lentils
Slightly spicy spicy soup with tomatoes and lentils. Fresh herbs and spices, the combination of delicate creamy flavor of the cheese and a slight acidity of tomatoes - it all leads to a rapid emptying of the pan.


  • Lentils

    1 cup

  • Tomato

    5 piece

  • Onion

    1 piece

  • Carrots

    1 piece

  • Garlic

    6 tooth

  • Cheese

    200 g

  • Greens

  • Spices

  • Vegetable oil

  • Minced meat

    300 g


Lentils, rinse, cover with cold water and put on fire. As the boil - boil for 30 minutes, until soft. I have green lentils, but you can take red. Until the lentil is cooked, prepare the rest.
Onions, carrots, garlic and the stems from the greens, coarsely chop and fry in hot oil. Vegetable oil lightly salt directly into the pan - then there will be splashing.
Lightly fry, add the mashed beef and spices. I have: ginger, turmeric, coriander, Basil - all on a 1/3 tsp, plus a pinch of Cayenne pepper for spice. Sauté the mixture until soft meat. Here I have ground beef, but you can take any meat.
Tomatoes dipped in boiling water for 1 minute and remove the skin. Chop them coarsely and add to roasting. Stir, cover and simmer the mixture until soft tomatoes.
Ready mix to combine with the lentils and cook 5-10 minutes to the overall softness of all the ingredients. If the soup is too thick, feel free to dilute it with boiling water. Season with salt to taste.
Remove from the heat. Add cheese, and mash the mixture with a blender. Add finely porezany greens, stir and serve. I have the greens: onion, cilantro, parsley, dill. Very tasty! If you can stand an hour - more delicious it becomes.
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