Why strange, you ask! On the Internet there are many recipes for tuna salad, but this, to fully satisfy my taste, I never found. Had to write it myself. This idea came to taste not only me, but all my friends and colleagues. Perhaps this recipe will decorate your festive table. Try it, you will love it!
1 can
1 can
500 g
1 pack
4 piece
10 piece
1 piece
10 piece
1 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
So, prepare all the ingredients. Wash vegetables and mushrooms.
Chop the mushrooms coarsely. It is very important to chop it coarsely, otherwise they will uganada and not just to look pretty in a salad.
Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil for 10 minutes without a lid, stirring constantly, then cover and simmer for another 20 minutes. Watch carefully so the liquid does not evaporate. Then salt, add the seasoning, stir and simmer for another 7 minutes.
In parallel boil the eggs. They cooked 7 minutes. Then immediately put the saucepan under cold water.
Cut the onion. I love it when he chopped very finely, it is possible to cut and rings.
Cut cucumbers, peppers, cherry tomatoes cut into halves.
Spread on a plate a cushion of lettuce, sprinkle top of onions, arrange the cucumber, pepper, tomatoes.
Then spread the beans around, and in the center of the tuna.
Cut into halves eggs, lay them on the cucumbers and the edge spread the mushrooms. Pour all the olive oil. Add salt to taste. Bon appetit.
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