
Pancakes with dates and millet
Wonderful, delicate and yet hearty pancakes without any added sugar. A great opportunity to diversify the Breakfast for the whole family!


  • Yogurt

    150 ml

  • Chicken egg

    2 piece

  • Cards

    80 g

  • Flour

    6 Tbsp

  • Soda

    0.5 tsp

  • Millet

    50 g

  • Milk

    200 g

  • Salt

  • Vegetable oil

  • Berry

  • Powdered sugar

  • Honey


The first thing you need millet porridge. However, the fit and any other)) you Can cook specifically or take one that does not delay children. The point is that we fortify our cereals, pancakes, making them hearty and healthy, and at the same time not bother with the "special" flour.
Now, pour the dates (pitted!))) warm the yogurt and grind. If the dates You have quite solid, it is better to fill them in advance, or even pre-soak them in boiling water.
Egg heated in warm water from the tap, whisk until a stable foam and akuratno mix with the flour (I have spelt, but I can take a normal, whichever is at hand). Very carefully! Will be pretty cool, don't worry, as it should be. Next, we gently mix the egg-flour mixture, kefir-finikova, add baking soda and porridge, peremeshivaem.
And bake fluffy and tender pancakes on a greased pan. Under the hood.
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