
Ice cream in shell hot
Have you ever had fried ice cream? Or funchoza? No. Then we'll see what can come of it.


  • Ice cream

    100 g

  • Pineapple

    0.25 piece

  • Liqueur

    2 Tbsp

  • Walnuts

    50 g

  • Cookies

    2 piece

  • Cellophane

    25 g

  • Vegetable oil

  • Powdered sugar

    1 tsp

  • Potato starch

    2 Tbsp


Our ingredients are.
The molding of ice cream 2 balls and put them in the freezer. Pour vegetable oil into a narrow, but high and the dishes put to warm. Now for the pineapple. Cut off a quarter. Clean from cover. Remove eyes and cut into thin slices. The pan pour the liqueur, bring to the boil, put the pineapple on medium heat to zagazirovanie.
At this time our oil is warmed up. Check with vermicelli. If when lowering it into the oil it was white, the oil is ready. Take our funchoza for a few seconds and drop into oil. First 1 side, then the other.
Keep in mind that it very greatly increases. Put it on a plate with a paper towel and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Nuts and biscuits to turn into a big baby. Egg whisk for a while. Get our ice-cream. Dip them first in starch, then in egg and finally in crumbs of biscuits and nuts. At this stage they can be frozen and do when necessary.
Drop the ball for a few seconds in hot oil. Spread on a decorated dish.
For this edge put the pineapples. Funzone break, otherwise not convenient to be there and moldable nest. Can sprinkle grated lime zest.
Put our ice cream in the shell in the middle. Obtained as an egg in the nest.
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