
Roulade of breast of indosasa
After the traditional and the inevitable Christmas binge, I want something easier, simpler, less calories and less fat. So I decided to cook the loaf from indjushata breast, stuffed vegetables, and products took soerensen uncomplicated. The dish is perfect for Sunday dinner, and the guests to shame. And the best part is that the whole process takes less than an hour, the roll is made without our participation.


  • Breast of Turkey

    1 kg

  • Onion

    1 piece

  • Carrots

    100 g

  • Celery root

    120 g

  • Pepper

    80 g

  • Garlic

    2 tooth

  • Tomato paste

    1 tsp

  • Vegetable oil

    2 Tbsp

  • Salt

  • Black pepper

  • Flour

    1 Tbsp

  • Water


Here are the products we need. My breast, soak a paper towel, vegetable wash, peel. Carrots and celery grate on a coarse grater, onion and bell pepper finely chop, grind garlic with a knife or passed through the press.
In the casserole 1 tbsp vegetable oil until Golden fry the onion and garlic, then add the prepared carrot, bell pepper and celery, fry also.
Add 1 tsp of tomato paste, bring the vegetables until almost cooked. The whole process, including clean vegetables and preparation of poultry, takes only about 20 minutes.
While frying the vegetables, doing indjushata breast. Cut it up into rectangular formation, slightly beats a hammer and pepper.
The stuffing taken out of the cauldron, well sprinkle with salt and spread on the breast, leaving one edge free for 5 cm.
Breast solacium, securing the seam with toothpicks and kitchen twine or silicone cords. Here I was assisted by my daughter, pictured in the left corner you can see her deft fingers.
The wash, wipe dry and the remaining oil fry the rolls until Golden brown first, seam side down, then turn.
Pour the meat with boiling water so that the roll on 1/3 was in the water. Fire remove to a minimum. Close the roll cover and forget for 20 minutes. Turn over, salt and pepper, cover again and forget for 20 minutes. Meanwhile boil some rice or any other side dish.
The finished roll is taken out of the cauldron, cover with foil and allow him to gather his thoughts. My family today demanded the sauce had thickened meat broth one tbsp of flour. Roll cut into slices and served with rice and a sauce is formed.
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