
Baklazhanovy rolls for the winter
Well, a lot of rolls on the website. I just want to show you how to prepare for the winter. He opened a jar on a cold January day, and enjoy summer...


  • Eggplant

    2.5 kg

  • Pepper

    0.5 kg

  • Peppers red hot chilli

    4 piece

  • Garlic

    3 piece

  • Vegetable oil

    0.5 cup

  • Sugar

    0.5 Tbsp

  • Vinegar

    1 Tbsp


My eggplants, cut lengthwise into strips 4-5 mm. salt Well, allow to stand for 2 hours
While the eggplant prokalyvayutsya, wash, peel, cut meat grinder for the rest of the ingredients. When will the 2 hours, my eggplant from the salt, and gently squeeze with your hands and fry in a pan in sunflower oil.
Here are the prepared foods.
Pepper, chili pepper, garlic, grind in a meat grinder until the eggplant cools. Add this mixture into the sugar and vinegar, stir.
Prepare jars 0.5 l Them, we need 5pcs. On a plank put strips of eggplant, spread them with sauce and twisted in rolls.
The rolls are neatly put in jars.
Sterilize 7-10 minutes.
Glass jars, turn over and wrap it up until cool. Do not be lazy to cook, I cooked for years, always goes with a Bang and never grows old. Pleasant to You of appetite on a cold winter day!
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