
Cute, fun polka dots. Looking at the figure, dotted it with slices unwittingly come to emotion. There are suggestions that in Europe polka dot print came from North Africa via Spain and settled down in the charming costumes for dance "flamenco". In the late 18th century, it has penetrated into France and like its simplicity and playfulness. Next polka dot print constantly present in the collections of designers and used in so many ways. We know that if something becomes fashionable, it penetrates everywhere. Peas may be strewn with almost everything that surrounds us. This applies to clothing, shoes, accessories, interiors, different things of everyday use. Well, I made a cake with this adorable pattern that I want to dedicate the Olga (Demuria). Thanks for the response and good advice!!!


  • Chicken egg

    2 piece

  • Brown sugar

    140 g

  • Vegetable oil

    110 ml

  • Raisins

    50 g

  • Coconut shavings

    45 g

  • Walnuts

    45 g

  • Leavening agent

    0.5 tsp

  • Soda

    0.333 tsp

  • Flour

    125 g

  • Cinnamon

    0.25 tsp

  • Carrots

    225 g

  • Sour cream

    300 g

  • Sugar

    50 g

  • Gelatin

    15 g

  • Carrots

    125 g

  • Sour cream

    300 g

  • Sugar

    50 g

  • Gelatin

    15 g


Beat eggs with cane sugar "Demerara" from the "Mistral"
Pour vegetable oil and stir
In a separate bowl mix all the remaining ingredients for the dough except the carrots
Then put carrots, grated on a fine grater, and mix again
The resulting mixture add to the egg
Form of grease with butter and sprinkle with flour. Bake for about 45 minutes at 175 degrees
Here's the cake turned out
After cooling, cut the cake horizontally into 2 parts
For the first cream to dissolve the gelatin in 100 ml of water according to the instructions
Whip cream with sugar
To add a baby carrot puree and gelatin
The first part of cake put in the form, pour the cream and refrigerate
After hardening you put the second part of the cake and pour the second cream, prepare it similarly, except for adding mashed potatoes. For "peas" from the second cream to take a couple of tablespoons, tint cherry juice and make a drawing
Bon appetit!
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