Love not only delicious, but also beautiful. This dish is very delicious, a must try - who knows the Italian language, just speak it))) Buon appetito!
250 g
200 ml
70 g
250 g
0.5 cup
3 Tbsp
30 g
50 g
1 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Fish grind in a blender.
Add to it the breadcrumbs, cheese, egg, salt, pepper. Make little meatballs.
In a pan heat the olive and butter, add the garlic. Put made little meatballs and simmer a couple of minutes.
Add the brandy and, after half has evaporated, add cream, pepper and salt. Give the cream to slightly thicken.
In a large pot boil the tagliatelle pasta in salted water according to instructions. Ready drain pasta through a colander
Put tagliatelle in the sauce with the meatballs and warmed a few minutes to absorb sauce. Buon appetito!
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