
This drink has the taste of pomegranate, and, surprisingly, even the smell of him like the smell of pomegranate. And just as useful, maybe more! And he received from the most simple and affordable products.


  • Water

    250 ml

  • Lemon

    1 piece

  • Beets

    1 piece

  • Honey


We need a little beet and an average lemon. The beets thoroughly wash, remove peel and pour over boiling water. Also my lemon and put in boiling water to give more juice. I pre-erased zest – what good to disappear, it is useful for baking :).
Beet RUB on a small grater. The pulp fill with boiling water (the majority rules), cover with a lid and leave for half an hour. After this time squeeze the juice, pour the rest of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Then again pulp a good squeeze and filter.
While the salad beets, squeeze of lemon juice.
Mix beet and lemon juice, add to taste honey or sugar.
That's the beauty turned out. And tasty, and useful!
One warning: I think from drinking this beverage is to abstain for those who suffer from gastritis, cholecystitis and other diseases of the digestive system (however, they do know about it), and also not to drink with hypotension, kidney stones, metabolic disorders.
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