I would like to share amazing recipe. This is a dish we cook on a holiday, and ordinary days. Of all the home like.
350 g
0.5 cup
2 piece
2 piece
0.5 plug
3 Tbsp
1 Tbsp
1 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Prepare the ingredients
Scrollable meat with onions, three carrots, boil until tender cabbage leaves, finely chop the tomatoes (the skin I didn't take), but it is better to remove, boil some rice and mix it with ground beef.
Saute in vegetable oil carrots.
Add to carrots tomatoes and stew until ready.
On the bottom of the pan to pour vegetable oil. Lay cabbage leaves on them a layer of forcemeat
For stuffing put a piece of carrot. Repeat the layers 2 more times.
Cover the top layer with cabbage leaves. Tomato paste dilute with water cabbage. (I add to this mixture some sugar, but it's not for everybody)
Pour the sauce into the pan. And stew in the oven 200 degrees for 1 hour. But the time depends on the oven, because you need to view periodically.
Served to the table. My love with sour cream.
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