Very healthy, delicious juice from apples, carrots, celery, tomato and zucchini. For the contest "Burnt by the sun".
The Apium graveolens Dulce
1 coup
3 piece
2 piece
1 piece
2 piece
0.5 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Vegetables and apples.
With zucchini from the stalk, cut the piece, with a height of 5-6 cm, this will be the base of the Cup. With the remaining parts, with a spoon, take out machi. Cut edge scallops.
Vegetables and apples cut into small pieces.
Skip the vegetables and fruits through the juicer.
In the juice add the vegetable oil, salt and pepper. If you take apples sweet varieties, salt and pepper can be added.
It looks like the juice, the color is not very beautiful, but not useful all the beautiful and not all beautiful useful!
The connecting part Cup wooden toothpicks.
Decorate the Cup with a bow of carrots.
Pour the juice into a Cup.
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